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New notebooks!

With Christmas markets on the way, I put together a new notebook design featuring all of Toronto’s famous animals. It’s available in both lined and plain paper which is so exciting (and it’s recycled paper, too! woohoo!)

Stickers!!! To stick onto things!!!

I am beYOND thrilled to introduce my newest product in my online store: stickers!!! These babies are super durable vinyl stickers - meaning you can put ‘em on, like, laptops and cellphones and stainless steel water bottles and these babies won’t peel off or scratch and fade away. Buy a million and put ‘em on everything!!!

Little Free Libraries

One of my favourite new pieces is this postcard, decorated with the Little Free Libraries that I spot from street to street while I walk through my neighbourhood. Have you heard of these little cuties? They’re very sweet — the idea is that you drop off any books you’re not getting any use of, and if you’d like to pick up a book to take home with you, you can! People put them out on their front lawns and they never fail to make me happy.

If you’re interested in grabbing one of these postcards for yourself, you can do so here!